Today’s leaders have busy schedules that don’t usually allocate the needed time for training and development of existing employees.. However, if leaders do not invest enough time in developing their skills, they will never become the well-rounded leaders who can support the growth of an organization. Nevertheless, technology has raised the bar for learning with blended learning initiatives that mix in-person instruction with online leadership training guided by experts and self-paced strategies like e-learning.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, learning and development professionals were forced to alter how they approached training programs. Given how long face-to-face meetings are conducted online, it is obvious that things will never return to exactly how they were. It’s not a leap to claim that training and education have undergone a permanent transformation.

One increasingly popular alternative to conventional teaching methods is the provision of comprehensive learning curricula through digital resources, sometimes referred to as e-learning or “online learning.” These sessions will be static if e-learning courses aren’t tailored for participants. This can be acceptable for tactical, short-term training programs. However, what about leadership development courses, which cover more intricate

What is Blended Learning for Leadership Development?

Despite the fact that eLearning is a great method for training potential leaders about leadership, a blended learning strategy offers both effective one-on-one interactions with learners and knowledge transfer. Instead of having to spend hours in a classroom, a blended method permits time-pressed leaders to divide their courses into smaller time blocks. 

Continuous learning and development are necessary for leadership development. Unfortunately, the structures of existing programs do not work that way. A one-size-fits-all strategy won’t be effective for leadership development.  There are different categories of leaders, such as senior leaders, mid-level leaders, etc. Leadership development and training must fit these levels and  be given at different stages during leaders’ careers or professional lives.

To improve leadership skills, blended learning combines online and in-person learning modules, such as in a traditional classroom. Examples of online experiences include games, tools, simulations, practice chatbots, and quick learning sessions (micro-learning). The use of virtual classrooms and self-paced learning methods is common.

Another distinctive feature of blended learning is that it can be completed independently, in a physical or virtual classroom environment. Blended learning works best when it takes advantage of each modality’s advantages while admitting its limitations. The result is a learning program that is interesting, cost- and time-effective, and capable of long-lasting effects.

Why should L&D professionals start developing blended learning strategies now?

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught leadership development specialists anything, it is that placing too much emphasis on in-person learning can be risky.Several businesses completely stopped leadership development in the early stages of the pandemic since their programs were only in-person.

Organizations  must be aware of integrating innovative approaches to blended learning with the evolving workforce and business strategy to be ready for a future with more remote workforces and scattered teams. Designing blended learning experiences for maximum impact and accessibility should be the challenge. This will determine how successful organizations are as leadership development specialists.

Recommended Techniques for Creating Blended Learning Strategies for Leadership Development

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when selecting blended learning strategies:

1. Take into account the audience to find the perfect combination

Expectations and learning requirements vary based on the level of the leader. Frontline and aspiring leaders are often more receptive to and engaged in self-paced online learning. However, mid-level to senior-level leaders are less likely to interact with this content. They choose more engaging leadership training styles where they may gain knowledge and expand their business network.

2. While adopting new learning techniques, be sure to connect them to corporate goals

Like any change, implementing new leadership development courses may cause some disruption. In addition, resistance could arise with any disturbance. One way to address this is to make explicit and close connections between the blended learning strategy and the challenges that may affect the company..

How do experts in leadership development accomplish this? They center their blended learning strategy around an aspect that all leaders can understand. A firm initiative, a change management procedure, or a new business strategy could all fit this description. This makes it easier for learners to believe that their participation in blended learning is advancing them toward their objectives. 

3. Balance personalization with curation

When using online courses and microlearning, blended learning has the advantage of offering a more customized learning experience. The skills that are most pertinent to the learners can be researched by leaders.

We cannot expect learners who live in a busy and chaotic environment to search through vast online content libraries to get what they require. This is where curating content enters the picture as a skill that leadership development professionals must master. 

Final Takeaway

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about changes that have increased the requirement for talent development specialists to design new sorts of learning experiences. 

Emerging learning technologies and online collaboration tools were already driving a shift to blended learning even before the pandemic.

The role of the leadership development professional has evolved due to increased efficiency, improved learning personalization, and expanded audience reach. It enables us to satisfy the needs of the contemporary learner in a far more sophisticated manner.