The look you get when you’re trying to grow your eyelashes longer, but they just won’t grow! Whether you need fuller eyebrows or longer eyelashes, these 7 amazing home remedies will help you achieve your desired look faster and more naturally!

Your eyelashes are one of the things people notice about you when you first meet, and most women would like to have long, thick eyelashes to make their eyes appear more open and expressive. There are several different ways to get thicker eyelashes and make them appear longer, but one of the most effective ways to do this at home involves using ingredients that are already in your kitchen cupboards. These remedies aren’t guaranteed to work on everyone, but they’re worth a try if you’ve tried other solutions without success!

Eyelashes and eyebrows play an important role in creating the look of your face. If your eyelashes aren’t as long or dark as you’d like, the right home remedies can help give you fuller and longer lashes in no time at all! Try some of these easy tips to see if they work for you!

1) Baking soda

Baking soda is an easy, natural remedy for fuller eyebrows and longer eyelashes. All you need to do is mix equal parts of water, cream of tartar, and baking soda. Apply the mixture to your eyebrows and eyelashes before bedtime and wash it off in the morning with warm water.

Buy Careprost can also be used as a substitute if you don’t want to make your own mixture. Lumigan Eye Drops are prescription only so ask your doctor before using them.

2) Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural product that can help you grow your eyebrows and lashes. To use, simply apply the coconut oil to your eyebrows or lashes with a cotton swab once or twice per day. It may take up to two months for the coconut oil to show results, but it’s worth it! The other option is to purchase one of the following eye drops: Lumigan eye drops, Careprost eye drops, Latisse. These are prescription-only drugs that have been proven to work in as little as 4 weeks and many people see their desired effects in 3 months.

3) Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is an excellent skin care product that also has a variety of hair and skin benefits. It can be used to moisturize the skin and hair, it can be used as a natural remedy for acne and it can also help heal wounds. Plus, aloe vera gel will thicken your eyebrows which is perfect if you’re looking to grow fuller eyebrows or thicker eyelashes. To use this home remedy, apply some gel directly onto your eyebrows and eyelashes each day before bed. Allow the gel to dry fully before going to sleep. If you don’t see any changes after three weeks of nightly application, consider trying Careprost eye drops or Lumigan Eye Drops instead.

4) Egg white

Egg whites are an excellent natural beauty remedy for fuller eyebrows, as well as longer eyelashes. All you need is a few egg whites and an eye dropper to get started. For fuller eyebrows, use the eyedropper to place a small drop of egg white on your eyebrow brush and gently spread it across your brows. Do this every day until you see results. For longer eyelashes, use the same process but instead apply the egg white underneath your eyes before going to bed at night. This will not only make your lashes look longer, but will also help them grow stronger and healthier!

5) Onion juice

-Cut a medium-sized onion in half and place it in a bowl with cold water. Submerge your face over the onion and let it sit for 10 minutes. Remove your face from the water, rinse off any residue, and gently pat dry. Apply moisturizer to your eyebrows and lashes afterward to prevent drying out.

-Onion juice can also be used as an eye makeup remover by soaking cotton balls in it or as an eyebrow gel by mixing it with a little bit of glycerin.

6) Castor oil

Avocado oil is a potent ingredient that can be used as a natural skin care product. The natural fatty acids, minerals and vitamins in avocado oil can nourish the skin, making it smoother and softer. Avocado oil has also been shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks and scars. It promotes healthy hair growth by providing essential nutrients to the scalp and encouraging blood circulation. This helps stimulate hair follicles which leads to thicker, fuller eyebrows and longer eyelashes.

7) Avocado oil

Avocado oil is great for your eyebrows and lashes because it contains fatty acids that help nourish the hair follicles, which promotes faster growth. It’s also been shown to promote healthier skin by helping regulate sebum production, which can make your brows less oily in the long-term.

Bimat is a great way to moisturize your face without using any harsh chemicals or fragrances, so it’s perfect if you have sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts. You can use it as a makeup remover and eye cream by rubbing a little on your lashes before bed. If you’re looking for an eyebrow growth boost, apply some avocado oil every day as soon as you get out of the shower.

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