Acoustic Barriers for Outdoor Events and Festivals

Whether you’re hosting an outdoor event, or you live alongside one, you will know how noisy they can get. While there will always be some noise leakage, if you want to limit disruption to the neighbourhood, there are a few ways to keep sound inside an enclosed space, even outdoors! One such way is using acoustic barriers, like the kind that Echo Barrier offers!

In this article, we’re going to look at what acoustic barriers are and how they might help you with your outdoor event or festival. Take a look below for more information now.

What is an Acoustic Barrier?

An acoustic barrier is a physical barrier to sound. It usually has a core that can absorb sound waves and control reverberations in the space. They are used in a number of settings, including construction sites, offices, festivals and more.

They’re easy to use and install and are durable enough to withstand bad weather. They can also add a professional look to your environment, helping to reduce noise and boost the aesthetic appeal of your site.

Noise Pollution from Outdoor Events

As anyone who has lived close by a festival or outdoor concert will know, the sound does escape. This can be incredibly disruptive to the people around the site and may lead to complaints. Local councils tend to have rules on when you’re allowed to play loud music till and sometimes disallow it in residential areas.

For this reason, installing acoustic barriers around your event site can help to keep the peace, reduce disruption, and make it more likely that you’re invited back to host events in the area again.

Benefits of Acoustic Barriers

Along with festivals and outdoor events, acoustic barriers are used in a tonne of different industries for a range of reasons. They have many benefits that make them so useful, and we’ve taken a look at some of them below.

  • Better acoustic quality – For an outdoor event or festival, better acoustic quality is a huge bonus. As the acoustic barrier control reverberations and keep the sound in, it makes the performers vocals and music much clear. This can help people have a better experience at your concert, festival, or production, and will hopefully bring people back year on year.
  • Welcoming environment – If festival goers and ticket holders to your event and arrive to find that they can hear traffic from outside and people chattering away, they may not have the best experience. With an acoustic barrier in place, sound from outside of the event site will be blocked out and noise levels inside will be more welcoming. This will enhance the experience of your customers and clients.
  • Improved safety – A huge bonus of adding acoustic barriers to your event is that you’re making sure it is safe for everyone outside of the event. Noise pollution is known to increase stress, lower productivity, disrupt sleep, and cause stress-related illnesses. For this reason, limiting the noise pollution you cause with your event can keep other safe.
  • Keep the peace – Like we said above, acoustic barriers limit the amount of noise that escapes your event. If you’re looking to keep holding your event, it’s probably best if you don’t upset neighbours and the people living in the vicinity. Installing an acoustic barrier can lower the noise that leaks out and cause disruption to their lives.

Final Thoughts

Outdoor events, like festivals, concerts, and theatre, can cause lots of noise pollution. To keep the peace and enhance the experience for your audience, we recommend installing acoustic barriers. They can limit the noise that escapes while enhancing the acoustics within, making them a win-win for everyone.

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