Author Archives: Ashishguni

How Combining SMS And Email Marketing Can Bring You Better Results

With 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide and 95% of texts being opened within three minutes, text has clearly taken over communication.  The open rate for emails, on the other hand, is lower—roughly 21.33% across all industries. You shouldn't dismiss email marketing just yet, though, given that there are an amazing 4 billion daily email subscribers worldwide.  Email ...

5 Reasons Why I’m Not On WhatsApp (and Why You Should Also Consider A Return To SMS)

The primary distinction between SMS and WhatsApp marketing is that the latter uses cellular networks and carriers to send text messages. WhatsApp, however, needs an internet connection in order to transmit messages.  We all use our phones far too frequently. Smart marketers are increasing their spending on mobile marketing channels because of this.  SMS and WhatsApp are ...