Legit Ways to Clean Fabric Sofa in Hobart


Who has time to disinfect their furniture every week? Cleaning fabric sofas may seem like a daunting task, but with the help of some legit ways to clean fabric sofas, it’s actually a lot easier than you think. In this blog post, we will outline some of the best methods for fabric sofa cleaning Hobart.

How to clean fabric sofa in Hobart

Cleaning fabric sofas can be a drag, but it’s definitely worth it. Here are 5 legit ways to clean fabric sofas in Hobart.:

1. Use a vacuum cleaner: This is probably the most popular way to clean fabric sofas, and for good reason. A vacuum cleaner will suck up all the dirt, dust, and debris that has built up on the sofa over time. Just make sure to use the correct attachments for your particular vacuum cleaner model – some have specialised cleaning tools for fabrics.

2. Use a professional dry-cleaning service: If you don’t have access to a vacuum cleaner or prefer not to use one, consider using a professional dry-cleaning service. They will be able to clean the sofa quickly and efficiently, removing all of the dirt, dust, and debris that has built up over time. Make sure to ask about their specific cleaning protocol for fabrics – some specialize in this type of cleaning while others may just use general detergent and water.

3. Use an enzyme cleaner: Enzyme cleaners are becoming more popular these days because they’re extremely effective at removing dirt, dust, and debris from fabrics without damaging them. Just be sure to read the instructions carefully before using an enzyme cleaner – sometimes they require a strict pH balance (which can be difficult to achieve) or vigorous scrubbing in order to work effectively.

4. Try a natural method: If you’re willing to take a bit of extra time, there are also a few natural methods you can try for cleaning fabric sofas. For example, you can use a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the sofa. Just be sure to rinse it off thoroughly afterward to remove any residual vinegar smell.

5. Use a stain removal product: If you still can’t seem to get the stain out of the fabric sofa, consider using a stain removal product. These products are specifically designed to remove stubborn stains from fabrics, and they work better than most conventional cleaners. Just be sure to test the product first in a small area before using it on the entire sofa – sometimes it’s necessary to apply the product several times in order to completely remove the stain.

Steps to follow

1. Remove all furniture cushions and pillows to clean the fabric surface.

2. Wet a cloth with hot water and wring it out well

3. Rub the wet cloth gently over the fabric surface, taking care not to saturate it.

4. Allow the fabric to dry completely before replacing furniture cushions and pillows.

Materials you will need

In order to clean your fabric sofa in Hobart, you will need:


-Baking Soda

-White Vinegar

-Lysol Or Clorox Wipes


-Fabric Softener (If Applicable)

1. Wet the fabric sofa with water and sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over it. Soak the sofa for at least 30 minutes.

2. Use white vinegar to clean any areas that are stubbornly dirty. Allow the vinegar to set for a few minutes before wiping it away with a clean, wet cloth.

3. If the fabric feels stiff or is in worse condition than when you first bought it, consider using a cleaner specifically designed for fabrics, such as Lysol or Clorox wipes. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

4. Finally, dry off the sofa thoroughly with fresh, dry cloths and apply some fabric softener if desired.

Tips to keep your sofa clean and fresh

If you’re like most people, your sofa is the one piece of furniture in your home that you tend to put off cleaning. But with a few easy tips, your sofa can stay looking and smell great throughout the year.

To clean fabric sofas, start by prepping the surface with a vacuum cleaner before scrubbing it with a brush or a cloth dampened in cold water or soap. Don’t use hot water or harsh chemicals, as this will damage the fabric. For tough stains, try using a commercial enzyme-based cleaner such as OxiClean.

Once the surface is clean, pat it dry with a soft cloth and let it air dry. If you have an upholstered chair that shares the same fabric as your sofa, be sure to give it the same treatment—especially if there are any spots that seem particularly dirty.

Finally, keep in mind that sofas are notoriously difficult to clean when they get wet. If spills happen—or if you just need to freshen up the seating area quickly—try blotting them dry with a paper towel first and then spraying them with room-temperature water from a spray bottle.


If you’re looking for a way to clean your fabric sofa in Hobart, there are several legitimate ways to go about it. By using one of these methods, you’ll be able to get your sofa looking and feeling like new again in no time. So which method should you use? Read on to find out!

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