It can be hard to keep pests at bay when you have a little one around – but there are a few easy tips that you can use to help. In this article, we’re going to share some helpful advice on how to prevent pests from invading your home, regardless of how many kids are running around!


There are a lot of things you can do to keep pests out of your home during the summer, but one of the most important is keeping your baby safe from bugs. Here are some helpful tips to help keep your home pest-free: 

1. Keep Your House Clean: One of the best ways to prevent pests is by keeping your house clean. Not only will this make it less appealing for them, but it also means fewer places for them to hide and multiply. Regularly vacuum and wipe down surfaces with a mild soap solution, and remove all food and trash from containers and cabinets. This will help discourage insects from setting up shop in your home in the first place.

2. Keep Curtains Closed: Another way to keep pests out is by closing curtains at night and during early morning hours when they are most inactive. This will reduce their exposure to sunlight, which can damage their development and cause them to become more susceptible to pests.

3. Keep Your Yard Clean: Another big part of preventing pests is keeping your yard clean. Make sure there are no piles of leaves or branches on the ground, no leaves or grass clippings on porches or sidewalks, and no rubbish lying around where bugs can get at it. This will help discourage them from coming into your home in search of food or shelter.

4. Use A Dehumidifier: One way to reduce humidity levels in your home is by using a dehumidifier –

Do You Really Need Pest Control?

A recent study conducted by the University of Kentucky found that having a baby in the house significantly increases the chances of rodents, cockroaches and spiders being pests. The study used data from more than 1,000 households in Kentucky to reach this conclusion. 

The good news is that there are ways to prevent pests from invading your home. Here are some helpful tips:

1. Keep your garbage properly sealed. Garbage attracts rodents and other animals who will then contaminate your food and habitat. Make sure to put trash in opaque containers so junkies can’t see what’s inside and steal food or garbage from other people’s bins.

2. Clean up after your pets. Pets like dogs and cats naturally prey on insects, so keeping their habitats clean will help reduce the number of pests in your home. Give them water bowls with a small amount of fresh water in them so they can drink without leaving puddles, and make sure to pick up their waste when they go outside.

3. Plant flowers and shrubs near windowsills and entryways to provide natural nesting areas for birds such as swallows, sparrows and chickadees which will eat bugs on contact or find them by searching for dropped seeds or bits of food left behind by the pest-eating birds.

4. Seal cracks around doors, windowsills, vents and any other openings where bugs might enter your home – including those around light fixtures, electrical boxes and plumbing fixtures – with caulk or

How To Prevent Pests In Your Home

Preventing pests in your home can be a daunting task, but with some common sense and the help of a Pest Control Thomastown professional, you can get your home pest-free! Here are some helpful tips to help keep pesky pests at bay:

1. Keep Your Home Clean: Pests love dirty environments, so make sure to keep your home clean and tidy. This will make it difficult for them to find food and shelter.

2. Close All Cables And Electrical Ports: Unplug all electrical cords and cables near your windows and doors, as well as any other areas where pests might gain entry. This will minimize their access to potential food sources and nesting areas.

3. Seal All Cracks And Crevices: Close any cracks or crevices around doors and windows, as well as in the foundation of your home. This will help prevent pests from entering your home.

4. Use A Dehumidifier: A dehumidifier can help reduce the amount of moisture in your home, which can help prevent pests from growing and thriving.

5. Keep Pets Out Of The House: Pets often bring in items that could be food or shelter for pests, so it’s best to keep them out of the house when possible. This way, you won’t have to worry about them bringing in stray bugs!

Cleaning Your House

Do you have a pest problem in your home? Pest control with a baby in the house can be helpful to prevent pests from taking up residence. Follow these tips to keep your home free of pests:

1. Vacuum regularly. The dirt and debris that accumulate over time can serve as food for pests, making it easier for them to thrive.

2. Keep your windows and doors closed when not in use to keep out insects and other airborne contaminants.

3. Check the foundation of your home for cracks or openings that may allow pests entry. Repair any damage as soon as possible!

4. Clean up spills immediately and vacuum up the messes. This will help reduce the number of places where pests can hide and breed.

5. Keep clutter down; it provides little sanctuary for pests and can make it difficult to clean up messes quickly. Remove all items that cannot be stored in a cabinet or drawer, such as clothes, books, etc., and store only necessary items on shelves or countertops.


Having a baby in the house can be quite an adventure, but it can also be quite challenging when it comes to pest control. Luckily, there are plenty of tips and tricks that you can use to keep pests at bay while your little one is asleep or otherwise occupied. Here are some helpful tips to help prevent pests from taking over your home: 

-Keep all food stored in sealed containers in a cool, dark place. This will help to eliminate organic matter that attracts pests.

-Make sure doors and windows are closed tightly at all times, as this will keep bugs out and reduce airflow.

-Install screens on all windows and doors if you have young children who might knock things off shelves or climb through openings.

Also read – Pest Control That Gets Rid Of Fleas In Mickleham