Painting the exterior of your house is one of the essential tasks when it comes to maintaining your home. A freshly painted exterior helps to protect it from the elements, extends its life, and makes it look great. But painting the exterior of a house is also a huge undertaking, requiring time and energy as well as supplies and equipment. 

Essential Tips for Exterior House Painting

If you want to add a fresh, new look to your home’s exterior, consider attempting the job yourself using this comprehensive step-by-step guide to exterior house painting. 

  1. Preparing the House Exterior

The first step of a successful exterior house painting project is to prepare the home exterior – starting with power washing. It’s essential to choose the right power washer nozzle that is the correct size to avoid damaging the area. Then, move on to extra details, such as washing windows, trim, and doors; and patching any cracks or poorly painted areas. With a little bit of attention to detail and preparation, you can have your home looking like new.

  1. Selecting the Right Paint

Whatever the project, selecting the right paint is essential for achieving a successful result. Consider the home’s environment and choose a paint that will be durable through all types of weather. Oil-based paints are still the go-to choice for wood siding because they resist cracking and fading. However, modern latex-based paints are emerging as an attractive alternative. Whichever you select, apply the paint correctly to ensure a long-lasting finish.

  1. Examine the Weather

It’s essential to plan before starting any house painting job. Humidity, rainfall, and wind can all greatly influence the outcome of your painting job. Checking the weather forecast is a must before beginning. Make sure to check the temperature, too – it should be a minimum of 50°F (10°C) for the best results. Taking these precautions will ensure your painting job is a success! For best house painting service in Dubai, contact Jones Renovation, a housing service company in Dubai.

  1. Priming the Surface

Priming is an essential part of any painting project that is often overlooked. Not only does it ensure that the paint will adhere evenly and smoothly to the surface, preventing flaking and peeling, but it also helps to create an additional protective layer against water. Doing the extra step of priming ensures a lasting and professional finish. It’s essential to use a quality primer specifically recommended for the type of paint you are using to get the best results.

  1. Painting in the Right Order

Knowing the proper painting order is essential for achieving a flawless finish. Start by painting the far left side of the building, and then work across the top portion of the roof. When painting the walls, begin at the top and move down into small sections, making sure to level out any excess paint lines. By following this order, you can produce a professional-looking result.

  1. Preparing Difficult Areas

Prepping the more complicated areas of your home, such as shutters, awnings, and windows, requires extra attention and care. Steel and aluminum parts should be painted with specialized paint, while wooden shutters should be sanded and undercoated. Additionally, applying a good-quality, flexible sealant around doors, windows, and vents is essential for a proper and successful house painting. With the right prep and materials, you can ensure that the job is done right and the results will last.

  1. Applying an Extra Sealant

Add an extra layer of protection to your newly painted home with acrylic sealant. This final step will not only guard against the elements but also help to extend the life of your new paint job. By applying sealant, you’ll be taking the necessary steps to ensure your home looks great for years to come.

  1. Look for a Paint Service

Last but not least, enlisting a professional painting service might be your best bet if you’re overwhelmed by painting your home. Painters have a wealth of skills and experience and will complete the job quickly and efficiently – usually within two or three days. On top of that, you won’t have to worry about buying equipment, as the painters you hire will likely have everything they need. 

Jones Renovations offers comprehensive house painting services for any size project. Their experienced painters will ensure that your interior or exterior paint job is completed with the utmost care and precision. 


Painting the exterior of your home can be daunting, but with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the proper preparation and materials, it can be an enjoyable project that adds tremendous value to your home. Following our instructions, you can ensure that your home looks great and is protected from the elements for years to come.

If you’re pressed for time or need more resources to take on a house painting project, hiring a professional contractor can be the perfect solution. Not only will they have the experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently, but they’ll also be able to provide you with a superior finish that you will need help to achieve.