The concept of self-organizing teams has gained popularity thanks to agile development, but what does that actually mean? How then do self-organized Scrum teams perform well?

We must first analyze the operation of the Scrum organizational structure. Scrum is an Agile framework developed to assist teams in producing better products while providing greater value. The absence of hierarchy inside a Scrum team is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a Scrum organization. One Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and developers make up Scrum teams. They all collaborate to achieve the goals of the product.

Agile Scrum teams are self-organizing, cooperating, and communicating as a group to move work forward and select what to focus on next rather than relying on top-down direction from a project manager.

We’ll discuss the advantages and difficulties of agile self-organizing teams in this post, as well as how Scrum teams and agile leadership can contribute to their success.

How do self-organizing teams work?

A self-organizing team has the freedom to decide for itself how it will collaborate, who will be in charge of various tasks or decisions along the route, and how it will complete the task at hand.

“Scrum Teams are cross-functional, meaning the members have all the abilities necessary to produce value each Sprint,” the Scrum Guide adds. Additionally, they are self-managing, which means they determine who does what, when, and how.

Not all Agile teams will self-organize in the same way because each team’s aim and the goal of the product are unique. Of course, this is a benefit of self-organizing teams rather than a flaw.

Each team is given the freedom to work in the manner that suits them best, which should result in more valuable procedures that are effective and efficient.

Managers function in a self-organizing team

Self-organizing teams have a lot of independence and autonomy, but they aren’t totally free from outside interference. Their teams’ direction and ultimate success are still in the hands of the managers.

How then do the two collaborate to achieve that balance?

Usually, management is in charge of:

  • Assembling the team.
  • Defining the project’s restrictions and the product goals.
  • Fostering productive collaboration and growth.
  • Removing roadblocks and constraints on success.

Managers should ideally take on the roles of team facilitators and servant leaders, assisting the team in efficiently self-organizing while stepping back to enable team members space to address problems and make decisions independently.

Self-organizing teams’ benefits

Moving toward an Agile team structure that self-organizes has a number of benefits. Self-organizing groups encourage:

Improved teamwork occurs when team members discuss and agree on how the work will be divided and carried out, instead of waiting for a boss to allocate work before getting to work. This necessitates continuous planning, problem-solving, and teamwork. This keeps everyone on the team on the same page and prevents siloed work throughout the development process.

Learning from peers and seniors— By brainstorming, planning, and problem-solving together as a team, team members have more chances to listen to and learn from one another as collaboration increases. Additionally, it may result in worthwhile mentorship connections.

Team ownership and buy-in— People are more likely to be invested in their decisions and driven to put in the effort necessary to achieve their goals when they are given the ability to make those decisions. The team as a whole becomes more engaged and productive as a result.

The more a team works together, the closer they become to one another. Self-organizing teams collaborate closely to plan the work and achieve their objectives rather than sending employees off to do their responsibilities on their own. The method is more collaborative and calls for mutual respect and trust from all parties.

Team challenges

Self-organization sounds fantastic on paper, but it’s not practical, you might be thinking. Humanity requires leaders. And you are not mistaken. Both teams and management may encounter difficulties during implementation.

Teamwork’s recognizable, hierarchical patterns are ingrained in many organizational processes. Transitioning to an Agile Scrum organizational structure can be challenging.

Leaders may find it challenging to balance the developers’ needs for freedom with the strategic requirements of their organization or division. While scrum teams could value having liberty, they might also be unsure about how to proceed.

The switch to Agile self-organizing teams may be difficult as a result. But that does not imply that it is not worthwhile. All you need are the appropriate facilitators and resources.

How to support the success of a self-organizing team

Throwing people together and expecting them to self-organize won’t magically result in successful outcomes. To ensure your team’s success, you must have certain structures, resources, and equipment in place.

1. Offer appropriate instruction

Make sure your development team has the expertise and training necessary to succeed in a self-organizing environment. Since Scrum teams are cross-functional, each team member should have skill sets that fit the needs of the product goal and complement them.

Regularly train employees in both hard and soft skills to ensure competence and effectiveness while fostering teamwork and communication. Training improves team effectiveness while also ensuring ongoing improvement, which is another important aspect of Agile development.

Consider providing opportunities for your leaders to continue their professional growth as a company. Through certification programs, you may assist your scrum masters in becoming knowledgeable trainers and coaches.

2. Mentoring and coaching your Agile teams

In the same spirit, it’s crucial to give your Agile teams regular coaching and mentoring opportunities. People who have never participated in self-organizing teams may probably want additional direction and help at first.

To strengthen relationships and mentorship, think about employing the pairing strategy. Two programmers are assigned to operate in pairs at a single workstation, switching between the roles of “driver” and “observer.” This allows team members the chance to see how others function, pick up tips from one another and collaborate on communication and problem-solving.

The coach’s position will diminish as your teams gain confidence in self-organizing, learn to take initiative, and develop collaborative skills.

3. Promote interaction and cooperation

Self-organizing teams must learn collaboration and communication if they are to succeed. There are many tasks and tasks to juggle, including organizing a sprint and allocating and tracking roles.

Because of this, it’s crucial to encourage open dialogue and teamwork throughout the development process. Here are a few strategies for encouraging cooperation on your self-organizing team:

To reduce disagreement, establish a working agreement for the team. Draft a team agreement to address any potential conflict or communication difficulties that may develop during the project. Making a teamwork pact puts everyone on the same page in conflicts and helps set expectations for communication and team interactions.