Frutos Secos or nuts is a very popular snack all over the world. The nuts are not only tasty and can be consumed by all but also they come along with a number of health benefits too. People who are following keto diets or who are vegans can consume nuts as they are extremely healthy and will not create any issues with their diets. Frutos Secos Mexico is for all people of all ages.

What are nuts?

Nuts are seeds commonly used in cooking or eaten alone as a snack. They are high in fat and calories. They usually contain a hard, inedible outer shell that must be broken open to reveal the core inside. Luckily, most nuts are available in stores already peeled and ready to eat.

Nuts can be consumed just as they are or be lightly roasted and you can sprinkle a bit of salt for added taste. Nuts are also widely used in cooking many Indian delicacies and also cakes and other food items as they enhance the flavors and make the overall dish very tasty.

Given below are some of the nuts that are consumed by people all over the world:

•           Almond

•           Brazil nuts

•           Cashew nuts

•           Hazelnut

•           Macadamia nuts

•           Pecan nuts

•           Pine nuts

•           Pistachio

•           Walnut

Peanuts are technically legumes like peas and beans, but they are usually called nuts because of their similar nutritional profiles and properties.

Here are eight health benefits of eating nuts.

1. An excellent source of many nutrients

Nuts are very nutritious. They contain calcium, magnesium, vitamins of many types, and many other such power-packed ingredients. Often dieticians recommend their patients eat certain nuts in a limited quantity daily as they will get their daily dose of nutrients.

2. Rich in antioxidants

Nuts are extremely rich in antioxidants. It contains antioxidants like polyphenols which work in reducing stress levels. If stress levels dramatically go up then one can risk having high blood pressure or in worse cases stroke or or heart attack too. A certain amount of nuts daily will provide you with a good dose of antioxidants and will keep you healthy in the long run.

3. Helps you lose weight

Studies show that nuts may help with weight loss despite being considered a high-calorie food. In controlled studies, almonds were more likely to promote weight loss than weight gain. Several studies have suggested that pistachios may also help with weight loss.

4. May Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Nuts work miraculously in reducing bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Pistachios have been shown to lower triglycerides in obese and diabetic patients. The cholesterol-lowering power of nuts is likely due to their high content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Some studies have shown that macadamia nuts also lower cholesterol levels. In one study, a low-fat diet containing macadamia nuts lowered cholesterol as much as a low-fat diet.

5. Beneficial for type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is now affecting millions of lives and often age is not a barrier to getting this disease. Children in their early age to teens are now also diabetic, especially Type 2 which is one of the worst diseases one can get.  Doctors often tell diabetic patients to consume nuts as some help maintain the blood sugar level and do not cause harm.

6. May Reduce Inflammation

Nuts have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is the body’s way of defending against injury, bacteria, and other potentially harmful pathogens. However, chronic, long-lasting inflammation can cause organ damage and increase disease risk.

7. Rich in Beneficial Fiber

Dietary fiber offers many health benefits. Your body cannot digest fiber, but the bacteria that live in your colon can. Gut bacteria then ferment the fiber, converting it into beneficial short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).

8. It May Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Nuts are very good for the heart. Some studies suggest that nuts may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke due to their effects on cholesterol levels, “bad” LDL particle size, arterial function, and inflammation.

In general, nuts are healthiest when eaten raw or roasted in an oven at temperatures below 175°C. Dry-roasted nuts are the next best option, but avoid nuts roasted in vegetable or seed oils.

Nuts can be stored at room temperature, making them perfect for snacking on the go or for travel. However, for long-term storage, keep it fresher in the refrigerator or freezer.