If institutions aren’t verifying documents, they are positioning themselves at threat of being conned. Studies revealed that imposters try to fool loan agencies, banks, and credit card firms to extort money. They usually do it by using a combination of counterfeit and stolen documents. In 2022, research shows that document fraud led to an astonishing 43 Billion US dollars. Unfortunately, fraud incidents usually persist in the finance sector and gradually rise due to the pandemic. Due to this reason, financial institutes face bankruptcy. The verification of document can quickly solve this problem. 

How can the Financial Industry Benefit from Document checkers?

Endorsing more applications is the primary goal, but employees have to do it without putting the firm at risk of financial and fraud loss. Hence, identity verification solutions made it possible: 

Here are some ways that financial industries can benefit from this: 

  • Age Verification 

Implementing age verification measures to confirm that users are 18 years or older is a crucial step in mitigating potential legal consequences. By upholding such age restrictions, businesses and platforms can proactively deter any legal liabilities that may arise from allowing underage individuals to access age-restricted content or services.

In a digital landscape where age-sensitive materials and activities are prevalent, verifying the age of users is a responsible practice that safeguards against legal issues, such as violations of age-related laws and regulations. It not only helps organizations maintain compliance with applicable statutes but also ensures the protection of minors from inappropriate or harmful content.

Furthermore, age verification not only fosters a secure and legally sound environment but also fosters trust and credibility among users and stakeholders. By actively enforcing age restrictions, organizations signal their commitment to responsible practices and the well-being of their audience, thereby bolstering their reputation and integrity in an increasingly regulated and scrutinized online world.

  • Fraud Prevention 

The foremost objective of any organization is to safeguard against fraud. Document verification software plays a pivotal role in identifying various forms of fraudulent activities. This encompasses detecting loans obtained for nefarious purposes, where criminals utilize stolen identity documents to present false information. By employing cutting-edge technology, these solutions not only root out identity theft but also mitigate risks associated with financial deception. Furthermore, they provide a crucial layer of security, ensuring that critical data remains accurate and unaltered. As businesses continue to grapple with ever-evolving fraud tactics, document verification software stands as a formidable shield, preserving the integrity of transactions and customer trust.

  • Cybersecurity

Document verification serves as a robust defense mechanism for organizations, shielding them from potential impostors. Its primary function is to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive and vital information, acting as an impenetrable barrier against those who seek to exploit vulnerabilities for malicious purposes. By ensuring that only legitimate and authorized individuals gain access, this technology safeguards a company’s integrity and preserves the confidentiality of data. In an era where data breaches and cyber threats are prevalent, document verification stands as a crucial safeguard, reinforcing the fortress of security around an organization’s valuable assets, and fortifying the trust of stakeholders.

  • Client Satisfaction 

Document validation services are designed to offer users prompt and efficient solutions, meeting their needs in real-time. They not only deliver immediate results but also enhance user satisfaction by streamlining processes. These services are instrumental in expediting document authentication, verification, and validation, significantly reducing the time and effort required. As a result, users experience a seamless and convenient journey, leading to increased productivity and peace of mind.

Moreover, in an age where speed and accuracy are paramount, document validation services emerge as a crucial component in various industries. They empower organizations to deliver exceptional user experiences, building trust and credibility while ensuring compliance with regulations and standards. With their ability to address user requirements swiftly, these services contribute to overall operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, making them an indispensable tool for businesses committed to delivering top-notch service.

  • Minimize Operational Costs 

Document verification serves as a safeguard against human errors, minimizing the risk of inaccuracies and expediting the document analysis process. This critical function not only prevents mistakes that may arise from manual data entry but also significantly reduces the time required for document assessment. In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is paramount, and document verification plays a pivotal role in achieving it. By automating and streamlining the verification process, it ensures that documents are scrutinized with precision and that the potential for costly errors is minimized.

Furthermore, this technology not only boosts accuracy but also enhances compliance with industry regulations and standards. By reducing the reliance on human judgment alone, it helps organizations maintain a high level of consistency and reliability in their operations. In an era where data is a cornerstone of business decision-making, document verification provides a sturdy foundation for businesses to build upon, making their processes more reliable, secure, and efficient.

Verification of Document Benefits

KYC verification ensures firms that their client( they do business with) is legitimate and credible. Doing so can protect companies from making illegal business relationships with substantial adverse outcomes. Know Your Customer performs a robust risk assessment of potential entities and clients before abiding by them. It helps to mitigate issues and losses with specifically risky entities. Hence, KYC helps improve client relationships by providing real-time financial insights. 

Document checker helps to reduce the following: 

  • Identity Theft

KYC verification needs a user to give proof of their identity. It requires that relevant efforts be made to ensure the client is authentic. This makes things difficult for imposters to create fraudulent accounts with forged data or stolen credentials. However, document verifications provide that only the correct entities can access the firm’s services. 

  • Financial Fraud

Since COVID-19 began, imposter activities have grown by almost 50%, costing firms almost 5% of their annual profit. Moreover, each $1 fraud costs 4$ in financial companies. Financial fraud is a burden on the company that’s why document validation services eradicate fraud by preventing bad actors from impersonating genuine clients using stolen credentials or IDs. 

  • Money Laundering

Money laundering is shifting money acquired through criminal or illegal means to shift it into legal monetary value. It is usually achieved via dummy accounts that offenders can set up to “launder” money via the sale of smuggling, narcotics, and human trafficking. Moreover, terrorists use different agencies and accounts to fund their operations. Document checker tracks reports, monitors financial transactions, and alerts users if suspicious activity is detected. 

Document validation services compare the user name trying to create accounts against a watchlist, blocking suspicious terrorists from using these financial services. Government agencies can easily track money that is generated or transferred. 

Types of Financial Data that Lenders Verify

The most usual type of financial data verified by lenders is:  

Account Holder Name: Match the account holder with applicants

Account Number: Ensures the bank account belongs to the right user

Balance Information: Determines that the borrower has cash for deposit or good saving habits

Length of Term: Determine the consistency of the borrower completing payments over time. 

Account Type: Determine if the bank account is personal or for company check saving reserves

Closed and Open Status: Determine if the borrower has multiple accounts

Account Closing Balance and Date: Determine the time period of the loan and if it is paid off. 

Why is Bank Statement Verification Important? 

Lenders should know the customer’s ability to repay the loan during application approval. The authentic way to know is to analyze their financial statements. It helps in verifying income and shows their abilities. Moreover, it also helps authenticate bank statements by analyzing user spending habits that aid in making faster and better decisions.  

Key Takeaways

Verification of documents in organizations is essential to ensure a client is legitimate. It also scans accounts and financial transactions throughout the business process. Firms must reasonably ascertain clients’ originality using a document checker. Employees have to accumulate the client’s name, address, birth date, and ID number to verify all of these via different means. 

Clients must provide proof through government-issued details. Moreover, firms use resources such as document-based verification methods such as facial recognition and other biometrics forms.